PARTS OF SPEECH 
Words or group of words do specific job in a sentence. These words are divided into different kinds or classes according to their use. These different kinds or classes are called Parts of speech.

The same words can be put to different uses. They are often used as different parts of speech according to the function they perform in a sentence. Anon can be used as an adjective and an adjective may act as a noun. Similar. adverbs can be used as prepositions and prepositions can be used as adverbs.
The parts of speech are as follows:
A.       Noun
           A noun is a word used as the name of  a person, place or thing; as.
(1)      Socrates was a great philosopher.                            (Person)
(2)       Chandigarh is a beautiful City.                               (Place)
(3)       The rose is a beautiful city.                                     (Thing)
B.        Pronoun
            A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun to avoid its repetition as;
(1)       The girls went for a picnic but they returned late.
(2)        The Parents rebuked them.
(3)        The girls said to their parents, "Sorry, we shall not repeat our fault."
C.         Adjective
             An Adjective is a word used to qualify or describe a noun or a pronoun; as, It tells                                something more about a noun or pronoun.
(1)          He is the tallest boy in our class.
(2)          He is a handsome young man.
D.           Verb
               A Verb is a word used to say something about some person, place of thing. These are also                       called action words.
(1)         Anuradha sings a song.
(2)         The Ganga is a sacred river.
(3)         Abdul drives a car.
E.          Adverb
              An Adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective another                     adverb or a preposition; as.
(1)          The sunset is very charming.
(2)          The train arrived late.
(3)           We waited outside.
(4)           The child sleeps soundly.
F.            Preposition
               A Preposition shows the relation between noun, Pronoun and other words in a sentence.
(1)           I graduated from Delhi University.
(2)           The ship is in sight
(3)           She is fond of dancing.
(4)           I do not agree with you.
G.            Conjunction
                 A conjunction is a word which is used to join words or sentences together, as :
(1)           He is poor but he honest 
(2)           You must work hard or you will fail.
(3)           They are twin brothers yet they differ in looks.
H.             Interjection
                 An Interjection is a word that expresses some sudden feeling of mind;
(1)            Alas! she is no more.
(2)            Hurrah! we have won the match.
(3)            L! he is here.
                 Let us discuss them one by one in detail :
                                                                    A. THE NOUN
                 A Noun is the name of a person, Place or thing.
                 Nouns are names of persons, places, things, oceans, animals, jobs, flowers fruits,  vegetables, buildings, rivers, birds, words showing relationship, ideas and feelings.
Examples  :
            Persons                     -:                     Boy, girl, Angelina, Riziq.
             Places                      -:                      Calcutta, hospital, garden.
             Things                      -:                      Pen, pencil, chair, book, car.
              Oceans                    -:                       Atlantic, pacific.
              Animals                   -:                      Cat, rat, cow, monkey, fish,
              Jobs                         -:                       Lawyer, doctor, engineer, teacher.
              Flowers                    -:                       Daffodils, Lotus, rose, marigold.
              Fruits                        -:                       Mango, apple, orange, peach.
              Vegetables                 -:                      Onion, potato, carrot, tomato.
              Buildings                   -:                      Red Fort, Old Fort, Taj Mahal.
              Rivers                         -:                      Thames, Yamuna, Satluj, Ganga.       
               Birds                          -:                        Peacock, hen parrot, pigeon.
               Relationship              -:                        Uncle, aunt, nephew, niece.
                Ideas                         -:                         Truth, honesty, death, beauty, virtue.
                Feelings                    -:                          Joy, sympathy, sorrow, love.
                                                                      Kinds of Nouns
                            There are five kinds of Noun:
                       (1)  Proper Noun                              (2) Common noun
                       (3)  Collective Noun                        (4) Material noun
                        (5)  Abstract noun
1. Proper Noun
                     A Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place. It denotes a specific person, place or thing as, Iron, Lata Mangeshkar, Kolkata,
Examples :
                (1) Iron is a useful metal
                (2)  Lata Mangeshkar was a well known singer.
                (3) Kolkata is a beautiful city.
Note:    Generally we don't use definite article 'The' before a Proper Noun.
2. Common Noun
                       A Common Noun is the name that can be given in common to every person or thing of thee same class or kind: as man, city.
                (1) Man is a social animal.                                 (Here 'Man' means any man)
                (2) It is a city and not a village.                         (The word 'city' denotes any city)
                (3) A bird flies.                                                   (The 'bird' is a name given in common to the                                                                                                 entire class of birds.)
(3) Collective Noun
                       A Collective Noun is the name of a collection of person or things taken together and spoken as one whole: as team, class, crew, fleet, crowd.
Examples :
               (1) The team Played well                                      (a group of players)
               (2) The Class is in the laboratory                          (a collection of students)
               (3) The crowd greeted the Prime Minister            ( a collection of men& woman)
(4) Material Noun
                       A Material Noun is the name of a matter or substance of which things are made; as: gold, silver, wood, iron
               (1) Gold is a precious metal
               (2) We make utensils from silver
               (3) This table is made of wood
(5) Abstract Noun
                         An Abstract Noun is the name of quality, state or action, as: honesty, bravery, life, death, laughter,
            (1) Honesty is the best policy.
           (2) Bravery is a great quality.


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